Mingun Bell, World's Largest Ringing Bell Preserved in Time

Mingun, Sagaing District, Sagaing, Myanmar
Minguang Bell is still the largest bell in the world


In the small hall located to the north of the pagoda, there is a bronze bell weighing 90 tons, called the Ming Gong Great Bell. This well-preserved bell, which has lasted for a hundred years, is also one of the largest existing bells in the world. Originally, the Ming Gong Great Bell was built to be hung on the Ming Gong Tower. However, because the tower was not completed, the bell had to be transferred to the nearby pavilion for hanging. In order to ensure the safety of the bell, its hanging frame was rebuilt in 1896, and the hanging scheme previously used for the damaged wooden beams was also compensated. As a historic cultural relic, the side of the Ming Gong Great Bell is covered with countless graffiti left by our predecessors, which allows people standing inside the bell to feel more deeply its grandeur and magnificence. In the earthquake, the continuation of later generations inside the bell helped it avoid damage and it still maintains its intact condition, although it has been lying on the ground for decades.
Mingun, Sagaing District, Sagaing, Myanmar
Opening hours
It takes about 5 minutes to walk to the north side from the MinGong Pagoda.