Upali Thein, A Timeless Frescoed Sanctuary

Upali Thein, Nyaung U, Burma


Upali Thein is a rectangular temple located in Bagan, Myanmar. Built in the 13th century, it is known for its historical value and style. Although its exterior is not grand, its low-key appearance hides its actual importance. Upali Thein is actually a "ordination hall", a place for holding ordination ceremonies. The temple is mainly for appreciating murals, and the large area of ​​murals inside the temple is brightly colored and is believed to be works from the 17th to 18th centuries, depicting scenes from the 13th century. However, some of the murals were damaged in the earthquake of 1975. The roof of Upali Thein is decorated with battlements and the design of the central spire imitates Myanmar's wooden architecture. During the construction, the tower was named after the famous monk Upali. Visitors can enter the temple for a visit, but photography is prohibited. It is said that for a donation of 1000 kyats, visitors can have the opportunity to photograph the murals. In any case, Upali Thein is one of the must-see temples in Bagan, highly regarded for its historical value and exquisite murals.
Upali Thein, Nyaung U, Burma