Golden Rock, A Divine Boulder Defying Gravity

Kyaikto, Thaton, Mon, Myanmar
There is a small pagoda on top of the giant rock


The Kyaiktiyo Pagoda (or Golden Rock) in Myanmar is a famous Buddhist holy site located near the seaside town of Zayat, about 93 kilometers from Bago and 170 kilometers from Yangon. It stands on the edge of a cliff, reaching a height of 1100 meters and weighing 611 tons. The rock is covered in gold leaf and has a 7.3-meter-tall stupa built on top. According to legend, the stupa contains a hair relic of the Buddha, making it an important place of worship for Burmese Buddhists. However, the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda is not open to women and they are prohibited from touching the mysterious giant rock.
Kyaikto, Thaton, Mon, Myanmar
There is a direct long-distance bus from Yangon to Kinpun village. Kinpun village has a Truck Station, where pick-up trucks can take you to the mountains.