Promthep Cape, Breathtaking sunsets in a romantic setting

Rawai Beach, the southernmost point of Phuket Island, is located 18 kilometers from the city center
You can enjoy the island scenery all the way


The Divine Peninsula is located at the southernmost point of Phuket Island and is the best place to enjoy a charming sunset. Located on the mountaintop with a wide view, many tourists and couples gather here every evening to feel the romantic atmosphere. In addition, the Four-Faced Buddha also exists on the Divine Peninsula, which is the belief of local Thai people. Prayer offerings should be made clockwise, and after making a wish, it is necessary to return to fulfill the vow. The Ninth Reign King Memorial Lighthouse also stands on the highest peak of the Divine Peninsula, which is available for free visitation. Additionally, visitors can walk down the mountain slopes to the sea reef for a close-up view of the beautiful scenery of the waves hitting the shores, but swimming should be cautious and it is best to wear swimsuits. Near the Divine Peninsula, there are also other attractions such as Naihan Beach and Rawai Beach. Naihan Beach is peaceful and beautiful, suitable for slow walks, while Rawai Beach, located near Phuket's fishing port, is devoted to creating a seafood-tasting destination. After watching the beautiful sunset, going to Rawai Beach to taste delicious seafood will be an unforgettable experience.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


Inconvenient to park
There is a parking lot
Free parking
Park by the roadside
Taking a boat
Group travel
Translation: Others
Rawai Beach, the southernmost point of Phuket Island, is located 18 kilometers from the city center
Opening hours
Open 24/7.
From Patong or Phuket town, take a tuk-tuk and head south on Highway 4021 for about 10 kilometers. Then, turn onto Highway 4024 and continue south for another 8 kilometers. The journey should take around 40 minutes.