Baku Old City, [object Object]

Inner City, Boyuk Gala, Yasamal, Baku, Baku Administrative Area, AZ 1095, Azerbaijan
Very beautiful old city


Baku is an ancient city with a historic old town that was established in the 12th century after the Shirvanshahs dynasty made it their capital. Over time, the old town was renovated and rebuilt and some of its prominent attractions include the Shirvanshahs Palace, Maiden Tower, two caravanserais - Bukhara and Multani, numerous old mosques and the Shamakhi Gate of the Double Gates to the north. The main thoroughfare in the north is Istiglaliyyat Street while the south faces the Caspian Sea and is a hub for architecture and scenery. In 2000, the old town was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Inner City, Boyuk Gala, Yasamal, Baku, Baku Administrative Area, AZ 1095, Azerbaijan
Opening hours
24 hours a day