Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, A majestic, unclimbed peak wrapped in ethereal clouds

Baishui River, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a landmark attraction in Lijiang


The sacred mountain in the mind of the Naxi people is the Snow Mountain, with the main peak Fanzi Steep reaching a height of about 5596 meters. The Snow Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, and it's an unconquered virgin peak. The Snow Mountain is composed of 12 beautiful and spectacular snow peaks, and the natural landscapes are rich and diverse, including glaciers, alpine meadows, primitive forests and snowy areas. Rhododendrons bloom in different heights according to the season, forming the most charming scenery of the Snow Mountain. Tourist attractions include Yushui Village, Glacier Park, and Blue Moon Valley, and in addition, the Blue Moon Valley Square hosts a large-scale live performance called "Impression Lijiang".
Baishui River, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province
Opening hours
07:00-16:00 (May 1st-October 31st, Monday-Sunday)