What are some good leisure places in Xuchang - Take you around the lakes of Xuchang

Five years ago, Xuchang was one of the cities in northern China with a serious shortage of water resources. During the construction of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Xuchang seized the favorable opportunity and vigorously developed water conservancy projects in the urban area. After nearly 3 years of construction, it gradually formed a northern water town known as "Five Lakes and Four Seas, Three Rivers, Two Rings and One Water-rich Lotus City". People's Daily, Xinwen Lianbo and other media outlets have also reported on Xuchang's water conservancy construction multiple times. Therefore, when you come to the northern water town, you may as well take a stroll in some of Xuchang's parks. The most popular place for tourists is Xuchang's "Five Lakes". Now let me introduce them to you.

Beihai Park

Located south of Xinyuan Avenue, west of Wenfeng North Road, and east of Jingshui Avenue, Xuchang Beihai Park is a great place for leisure and entertainment. Covering an area of about 150 acres, including 68 acres of lake surface and 82 acres of park area, it is a green garden that integrates Xuchang's characteristics and scenic landscapes. The park features diverse water landscapes, is surrounded by green trees, and is adjacent to commercial areas. It is one of Xuchang City's key urban construction projects.

Luming Lake

Luming Lake features a sports center, basketball courts, volleyball courts, soccer fields, and other sports facilities. Every evening, you can enjoy high-level soccer and basketball games here. Additionally, the east shore of Luming Lake is an excellent spot for capturing sunset photos.

Furong Lake

The newly built park closest to the city center, with many places to visit around the park, such as the Xuchang Science and Technology Museum, Art Gallery, etc.

Baling Lake

The Baling Lake project is located west of Baling Road, east of Bishui Road, south of Xinxing Road, and north of Baoyuan Road. It covers an area of 120 acres, with a designed water depth of 2.5 meters and a planned water storage capacity of about 200,000 cubic meters. The Grand Theater of the Three Kingdoms Cultural Industry Park is situated on the east bank of Baling Lake, complementing each other beautifully. Upon completion, it will form a water ecological cultural landscape characterized by 'clear lake water and beautiful green shores,' becoming an important part of the Three Kingdoms cultural tourism in Xuchang along with the Three Kingdoms Cultural Industry Park.

Qiuhu Wetland

In recent years, Qiuhu Wetland Park in Xuchang, Henan has become a habitat for egrets and other birds to settle and breed. The park is adorned with gracefully flying egrets and beautiful scenery, making it a great place for bird watching and sightseeing. It is reported that the water area of Qiuhu Wetland Park currently reaches 380 acres, with a water storage capacity of 400,000 cubic meters.