Where should I go for a self-driving trip in China on the weekend? 12 recommended high-appeal highways

These high-value rural roads in China are hidden in the mountains, deep and winding, stretching in the clouds and mist like a fairyland, winding in the mountains, thrilling and exciting, passing through the cooking smoke, peaceful and harmonious. Let me introduce you to a few rural self-driving tour routes, these roads give us a sense of indulgence and excitement as if we are touring in a painting and our car is moving through the scenery.

Chongqing Wulong Fairy Mountain Pristine Road

Located in the core area of Fairy Mountain National Forest Park, the Fairy Mountain Grassland Ecological Road stretches for 4.5 kilometers. The Fairy Mountain Grassland is one of the top ten tourist attractions in Chongqing, reachable within a three-hour drive from the city center. It is also a must-visit spot for photography enthusiasts. Situated on the north bank of the Wujiang River in Wulong, Chongqing, this area is known for its famous Fairy Mountain Grassland, Tian Sheng San Qiao (Three Natural Bridges), and Furong Cave. The undulating road extends into the distance, eventually disappearing at the horizon. On both sides of the road, lush green grass and leisurely grazing cattle and horses create a picturesque and serene scene.

Anhui Baiji Highway

Baiji Mountain Highway is the highest altitude road in Huangshan City, recognized as the 'White Cloud Sky Road'. This is a rural road that will give you a different travel experience. Baiji is located at the border of Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, with villages scattered among the peaks of the Baiji Mountains at an altitude of around 800 meters. The area is known for its green mountains, clear waters, and numerous waterfalls, and is praised as the 'last secret place in Jiangnan'.

Shaanxi Gaojiang Road

Gaojiang Road starts at Gaoqiaopu in Feng County and ends at Jiangxiying Village in Liuba County, Hanzhong. It connects to Jiangmei Road (a road crossing the Qinling Mountains from Jiangwozi in Liuba County through Taibai County to Meixian County) and also connects to National Highway 316. Gaojiang Road stretches deep into the Qinling Mountains, with few vehicles and a particularly tranquil environment. It is a two-lane asphalt road, offering serene and beautiful rural scenery along the way. The road features diverse ecological and cultural landscapes. The air here is unpolluted, and driving under the trees feels especially refreshing. The main tree species include cedar, French plane, golden willow, ginkgo, black locust, and cherry blossom trees. The scenery changes with the seasons, offering a picturesque view at every turn, resembling a paradise on earth.

Beijing Miyun Xiao'er Road

Xiao'er Road is located in Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County. It is a township-level road in Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County, starting from Songcao Road (Xiaokou Village) and ending at Songcao Road (Erlang Temple), with a total length of 8.8 kilometers. This road connects many scenic spots such as Wuling West Peak and Guandi Temple. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery changing throughout the four seasons, making it a 'mountain and water gallery' within Miyun. It is a great place for Beijing residents to visit. After driving past the Yaoqiaoyu Reservoir, you will reach the famous Xiao'er Road S-bend, where the scenery is absolutely breathtaking, offering a 360-degree view with no blind spots.

Linzhou Taihang Sky Road

Taihang Sky Road is located in the Taohuagu Scenic Area, with a total length of 26.5 kilometers. It connects the Taohuadong Scenic Area with the Wangxiangyan Scenic Area, allowing tourists to visit both major scenic spots in one go. Along the Taihang Sky Road, there are 10 viewing platforms where visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Grand Canyon. The Taihang Sky Road winds through the mountains at an altitude of over 1000 meters, with a total length of about 30 kilometers, hence the name 'Sky Road'.

G318 Sichuan-Tibet Highway

The 'China Scenic Avenue' Sichuan-Tibet Highway is practically a sacred road in the country, almost everyone has heard of its name. The scenery along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is extremely beautiful, attracting many photography enthusiasts, but at the same time, the self-driving difficulty of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is also very high, so full preparation is needed before departure.

Dian-Tibet Route

The Dian-Tibet Route, like the Sichuan-Tibet Route, is a world-class off-road route. For self-driving travel enthusiasts, it's a must-do once in a lifetime. It is estimated to take 10 days, so you might need to ask your boss for a few extra days off.

Xinjiang-Tibet Highway

The scenery along the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway is relatively less impressive compared to the first two routes, and it requires crossing more than a dozen snow-capped mountains with altitudes over 5000 meters. For hundreds of kilometers, you will hardly see any signs of human habitation. However, you can spot wild animals such as Tibetan wild donkeys and yellow sheep along the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway, which offers a different kind of experience.

Silk Road Journey

The splendor of the ancient Silk Road, now the bustling heartland of the Western Regions. A classic route that seamlessly blends nature and culture, allowing you to fully experience the wonders of nature and the civilization of the Western Regions. Many people have a special affection for this place, and many wish to explore its ultimate beauty.

Hainan Island Loop

Hainan is a popular winter getaway for many friends from the north. Starting from Haikou, you can drive around the island, enjoying the clear blue waters, white sandy beaches, and reflections of coconut groves. Driving on mountain roads, you can experience the Li ethnic culture and the joy of driving.

Ali Northern Route

It is often said that the true Tibet lies to the west of Tibet—'The Secret Realm of Western Tibet, Heavenly Ali.' Here, you will find world-class sacred mountains like Mount Kailash, the foremost sacred lake of Tibet, Lake Manasarovar, the vast Zanda Earth Forest stretching over hundreds of kilometers, and the ruins of the Guge Kingdom with a history of seven hundred years. The harsh plateau environment of Ali deters many, which is why Ali's religious art and culture remain intact and undiluted. The pilgrimage around the sacred mountain is arduous, and only those who have experienced it can truly understand whether it is a physical ordeal or a spiritual journey.

Desert-Gobi-Populus Euphratica Forest

Gobi, desert, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, wetlands, lakes, Populus euphratica forests, and desolate human relics. Come! Capture the magnificent Northwest with your camera.