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As a city with infinite charm, Wuhan has many refreshing attractions, which brings a tourism boom and allows more people to learn about the city of Wuhan. So, what are the popular tourist attractions in Wuhan? Let's take a look!

Airplane restaurant

The aircraft restaurant named "Lily Airlines" was transformed from a retired Boeing 737 passenger plane and took 1 year and 2 months to complete construction. In addition to dining inside the actual aircraft, the original cockpit has been transformed into a simulated flight experience laboratory, with the original instrument panel and other equipment preserved intact. Customers can experience the pilot's driving process inside.

South-Central University of Finance and Economics - Bus 538

"Next stop, Chashanliu" is an unfinished graduation song written by the landlord's cat for fourth-year university students when they graduated. "Next stop, final destination, Chashanliu on Nanhu Avenue." This song starts playing with Wuhan bus route 538, simple yet instantly evoking deep memories, those bits and pieces that surged like tides in school. "Chashanliu" is the name of a bus stop at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Located near the Caimen Gate, it has almost become a symbol of the university.
About 17 European-style buildings from the colonial period are still preserved on both sides of Lihuangpi Road. These include the former site of the Russo-Chinese Bank, the Russian Consulate, the China Christian Mission Building, the former site of the American Navy Youth Club, the former site of the Russian Concession Department of Public Works, the former site of the Gao Hospital, the former site of the YMCA, Shunfeng Trading Company, Bangke Garden, Hui Luo Company, Ba Gong Mansion, Shoushantang, and the former site of the International Hospital.
"Hanyang Manufacturing" represents China's "industrial revolution," and regardless of success or failure, it represents the awakening of the Chinese nation. The rise of China requires economic revival and even more so, a "cultural revival." Only through a "cultural revival" can a new "Chinese civilization" be promoted. Therefore, the Hanyang Manufacturing Art District hopes to use the name of "Hanyang Manufacturing" to add momentum to the cultural and artistic development in central China.
In approximately 1901, the Bass brothers purchased a large piece of land in the Hankou Russian Concession. The area included Dongting Street to Luojia Mountain Street in the east-west direction, and Lanling Road to the present-day Lihuangpi Road in the north-south direction. They built a large house in the triangular area between Dongting Street, Poyang Street, and Lihuangpi Road to Lanling Road. The house was in the shape of an isosceles triangle and construction began in 1901, completing in 1910. This is commonly known as the Ba Mansion and became a landmark building in the Russian Concession area.