These places have the same appearance as Nanjing 30 years ago

Time flies, Nanjing has transformed from an ancient and picturesque city into a city with towering skyscrapers. However, despite this, some parts of Nanjing still retain the charm of decades ago.

Swallow Cliff

Next to Swallow Cliff Park, an inconspicuous alley preserves traces of Nanjing City from the last century. Although the old street is only 200 meters long and now only has dilapidated signs and broken buildings, it is silent, but you can still imagine the former prosperity from the plane trees on both sides of the street.

Jiangning Yuntaishan Pyrite Mine Residential Area

Located in Yuntaishan, Hengxi Street, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, this area was developed in the 1970s due to its rich pyrite resources. The state heavily invested in the development of the mine, and people from all over the country came to live here. Today, the mining area is desolate, and the once bustling mine is now abandoned. Once the largest pyrite production base in Jiangsu Province, it now appears somewhat faded. An old industrial building and a rusty industrial pipeline are all that remain to tell the story of its glorious past.

Jiangnan Cement Factory

Jiangnan Cement Factory was the largest and most advanced cement factory in China at the time. However, after the Japanese army invaded Nanjing, this once largest cement production base became the largest cement production base in Asia, but no cement was produced for more than a decade. Now, there are several Republic of China-era buildings in the factory area, but due to years of neglect, they are covered in dust, though you can still see traces of their former appearance.