The top five must-visit tourist attractions in Baoding, Hebei

Baoding is the hometown of Emperor Yao in legends, with a history of more than 3,000 years. The Baoding area was the capital of the Yan State, Zhongshan State, and Later Yan; it gave birth to a group of historical celebrities such as Jing Ke, Liu Bei, Zhao Kuangyin, Zu Chongzhi, and Li Dao Yuan. There are many cultural relics and historical sites in the city, such as the Ancient Lotus Pond, the Daci Pavilion, the Governor's Office of Zhili, and the Western Qing Dynasty Tombs.

Guangming Master Tower

Guangming Master Tower is located 25 kilometers southeast of Dingxing County. It is 3.77 meters tall with a building area of 2 square meters. The tower was built in March 1203, during the Jin Dynasty. It has a unique architectural style, with 13 layers of octagonal stone stacked on top of each other. Each layer is separated by lotus stone pedestals. The tower is engraved with Buddha statues and text, giving it a grand and majestic appearance.

Tí Cì Cloudd Hall

Yunge Pavilion is located in Dingxing County. According to "Dingxing County Chronicles," it was originally named Dabeige, and its exact establishment date is unknown. It was named after a bronze statue of the Great Compassion Buddha in the pavilion. It was destroyed in war. In the 10th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1306), the monk Debao rebuilt the pavilion on the original site. During the Ming Wanli era, Li Jinchuan repaired it, and it was renamed Ciyungge, as Buddhism values kindness, and kindness is like a cloud. Both the Ming Jiajing and Qing Kangxi periods have seen repairs to the pavilion. The existing architecture is still in its original Yuan Dynasty form. Ciyungge was originally a group of buildings, with a total of three sections in a boat-shaped layout. Currently, only the middle Ciyungge section remains, with the front and back sections destroyed.

Zhuozhou Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall

The Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall of Zhuozhou City showcases the historical and cultural resources of Zhuozhou since the Neolithic period, including ancient and simple stone tools, magnificent painted pottery, towering and sturdy tower temples and bridges, vivid and lifelike mural stone carvings. It presents a colorful picture of the glorious history of Zhuozhou, demonstrating the cultural heritage that embodies the wisdom and sweat of generations.

Fanyang Lu's Ancestral Hall

There is a building complex on the east side of Zhuozhou City, by the Ju Ma River. It has red walls, blue tiles, and is surrounded by green trees, giving it a solemn and elegant atmosphere. On the sunny north-facing gate, the yellow background and black calligraphy of the plaque "Fanyang Lu Clan Ancestral Temple" stands out. This place is not only a place for the Lu Clan to worship their ancestors, but also has a wide and ancient social influence. Former President of South Korea, Lu Tae-woo, said that "Fanyang Lu Clan" made "Zhuozhou famous worldwide" and Zhuozhou is the "base of the world's Lu Clan ancestors", specifically referring to this place.

Da Shu Lou Sang Village

Lousang Village is located 15 kilometers south of Zhuozhou City. It is the hometown of Emperor Zhao Lie of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei. The temple dedicated to Emperor Zhao Lie is grand and magnificent, with impressive wooden statues. The ancient cypress trees, stone tablets, and lush plantings in the courtyard attract visitors who can't help but linger and enjoy the view.