Krumlov | Authentic cuisine hidden in the alleys of CK town

Although CK town is small, there are many authentic Czech cuisine hidden in the streets and alleys. As a foodie, you must not miss it!

Trdelnik is a traditional Czech delicacy made from specially fermented dough. The dough is rolled into long strips and wrapped around a stick, then baked. It is hollow in the middle, forming a tube shape. The inner wall is coated with chocolate sauce, while the outer layer is covered with cinnamon powder, almond powder, coconut powder, nuts, and other ingredients.

MLS Crêperie Kájovská

This MLS Crêperie is a very popular snack bar in the area, selling a type of crepe that comes in both sweet and savory flavors. The portions are large, suitable for 2-3 people.

Krčma v Šatlavské ulici

This cellar restaurant is a must-visit in CK town. It is located on the site of an old prison, with stone walls and a large fireplace creating a cozy atmosphere. Recommended: traditional onion bread soup and various roasted pork, beef, and fish.
A popular riverside restaurant among locals, with good dishes. Recommended dish: roasted potatoes. The most impressive aspect is the riverside view outside the restaurant, which is beautiful and serene.