Listing the special experience projects in Berlin

In Berlin, an ancient and yet young city, you can choose from a variety of different travel options to experience the city. In addition to some conventional tourist routes, you can also choose some special travel experience projects.

This unique tour route includes various bunkers from World War II and the Cold War, as well as the underground ruins of Hitler's former Reich Chancellery. Visitors can not only experience the thrilling history but also personally uncover the heavy chapters of the past.

Berlin Air Tour

This route mainly involves flying on the original US Army Douglas D-47 aircraft, which served in the late 1940s. After a 35-minute flight, it returns to the former US Air Force base airport located in the city center of Berlin. This type of aircraft is known as the 'Candy Bomber' because pilots often dropped candies and chocolates to the ground during landing.

Classic Car Nostalgia Tour

This classic car is called 'Trabi', manufactured in former East Germany, known as 'the cheapest car in the world'. The nostalgia tour using this car focuses on attractions with imprints of former East Germany.