Recommended dry goods for winter in Northeast China, after reading it you will know where to go for fun

Winter is the hottest tourist season in Northeast China. So, where in Northeast China is worth visiting? And how should we plan our trip? This extremely detailed guide to playing in the snow will allow you to explore the whole of Northeast China!

Changbai Mountain

From people's inherent impression, the most famous attraction of Changbai Mountain is Tianchi, and more people visit there in summer and autumn, while it is quite cold in winter. However, since the emergence of Changbai Mountain International Resort a couple of years ago, the convenient facilities and the full Swiss style have made winter no longer an off-season here, even more popular than summer.

Snow Town

Talking about Snow Town, even as a native of Northeast China, I can't stay calm. This is the kind of snow that is unattainable in the city, with various beautiful 'snow mushrooms' set against the backdrop of white snow and large red lanterns. The purest forest snowfield looks like a fairy tale world dressed in silver, it's extremely beautiful.


This is the city with the most distinctive ice and snow features, and it is a must-visit when coming to the Northeast.

Wusong Island

Although it is all ice and snow, Wusong Island has an added sense of mystery and gentleness. The river surface is shrouded in a hazy mist, and the jade trees and crystal branches on the shore make one feel as if they are in a fairyland. Especially for friends from the south, you must come and see this natural wonder. Because it is easy to capture beautiful photos, many photography enthusiasts still come here every winter to capture this beauty.

Mohe City

Mohe, the northernmost and coldest synonym of China, might have appeared in your middle school geography textbook. Traveling to the northernmost part of China, crossing the lush pines and cypresses of the Greater Khingan Range, experiencing the China-Russia border firsthand, holding a handful of pure white snow, and feeling the extreme cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius are all reasons to head north to Mohe.