What are some places worth visiting around Changbai Mountain?

Besides the Changbai Mountain Scenic Area, there are two towns and their surrounding towns that serve as tourist hubs, each with their own characteristics.

Erdaobaihe Town

Erdaobaihe Town is a distribution center at the entrance of the north slope of Changbai Mountain. Due to early tourism development, it has now formed a large-scale tourism experience. Although the town is small, it has a high vegetation coverage rate and a very beautiful environment. In addition to various hotels, there are also many different parks. The entire town is like a natural oxygen bar with fresh air, making it a great place to escape the summer heat. Particularly noteworthy is the town's unique double-loop slow traffic system, which is entirely paved with materials characteristic of Changbai Mountain, such as wooden boards, basalt slabs, rubber, weathered yellow sand, and red volcanic slag. Cycling or walking around the town allows you to enjoy a rare slow-paced life.

Wanda Changbaishan International Resort

Wanda Resort is located at the foot of the western slope of Changbai Mountain. Although it is an emerging resort town, it is more suitable for young people to live in. With numerous entertainment venues such as theme parks, international top-level shows, movie parks, water parks, ocean parks, golf courses, and ski resorts, one can feel that staying here for a week won't get boring! This is an ideal place to escape the summer heat, get close to nature, and enjoy a smog-free environment. It can also serve as a transit rest stop for various scenic spots in Changbai Mountain, making it convenient to travel anywhere.

Changbai Mountain Hot Springs

The Changbai Mountain area is rich in geothermal resources, making hot springs a major attraction for tourists.

Wangtian'e Scenic Area

Wangtian'e Scenic Area is located in Shiwudao Valley, Changbai County. This area is lush with ancient and famous trees, vibrant flowers and plants, and rugged rocks. It is the second highest peak in the Northeast region. Wangtian'e Mountain is a massive basaltic volcanic cone formed by eruptions and lava flows, featuring a huge caldera. The volcanic relics and landscapes formed by the caldera within the valley are very unique. After visiting Changbai Mountain, this place is also worth a visit.

Lushui River International Hunting Ground

At Lushui River International Hunting Ground, you can truly experience the thrill of hunting with a shotgun and feel the boldness of noble hunters, which makes your blood boil. Even first-time hunters will not return empty-handed. Following the guide, we can first choose a small rabbit. Here, you can fully enjoy the fun of hunting in the primeval forest. Besides hunting, the scenery here is also quite nice.
Hongqi Village, the first village of the Korean ethnic group in China, is located on open mountainous terrain. Nestled by the mountains and rivers, the small village boasts unique characteristics and forms a distinctive ethnic architectural style. The banks of the small stream allow you to experience the traditional rural atmosphere of the Korean ethnic group. In the Korean-style houses, everyone sits on the floor, chatting warmly. You can also taste authentic Korean kimchi, pastries, barbecue, and other delicacies.

Changbai Mountain Canyon Rafting

Ride the waves and traverse the Changbai Mountain Canyon, enjoying the scenery along the way. Experience the rapids and gentle streams, the forest cliffs, the fragrance of wildflowers, and the shade of green trees. Breathe in the fresh air, embracing the green, healthy, primitive, and natural environment, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city. There are many types of rafting in Changbai Mountain. You can choose the first rafting on the Songhua River in the Chixi District. The river water flows down from Tianchi in Changbai Mountain, with clear and sweet water quality, free from pollution. The slow and gentle flow is suitable for people of all ages. You might even see wild mandarin ducks and wild ducks on the water. Rafting in Changbai Mountain is a great choice.