Practical Information about Xishuangbanna Scenic Area

Beautiful Xishuangbanna always has countless reasons to attract people to visit. Here, there is authentic minority ethnic flavor, there is the annual Water-Splashing Festival, there are fresh and affordable tropical fruits, there are rare tropical rainforest plants, and there are various animal spirits... Don't miss out on Xishuangbanna during your Yunnan trip~

Dai Ethnic Garden

Located in the Ganlanba Farm, the Dai Ethnic Garden is the most famous water-splashing holy land in Xishuangbanna. The water-splashing festival ceremony held here every afternoon is known as the Carnival of the East. Of course, it also boasts the cultural landscape of a thousand-year-old Dai village and authentic Dai cuisine. However, compared to Manzhang Village, it is heavily commercialized.

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

It is the only 5A-level scenic spot in Xishuangbanna and a must-visit destination. This botanical garden, which boasts the largest area, the richest collection of species, and the most specialized plant zones in China, will amaze visitors with the wonders and charm of nature.

Wild Elephant Valley

It is the only habitat for Asian elephants in the country, making it the only park where you can get close to Asian elephants. The biggest highlight of the entire park is the interesting performances at the elephant school, including flag-raising ceremonies, playing football, hula hooping, dart throwing, beauty contests, and more, which are absolutely adorable! Additionally, the affiliated small attractions like the Bird Park and Butterfly Park are also worth a visit.

Primitive Forest Park

It contains the best-preserved tropical ravine rainforest south of the Tropic of Cancer. The scenic spots are distributed in the following order: Golden Lake (peacock release), Jiulong Waterfall (ethnic musical instrument performance), Aini Village (bamboo pole dance interaction), and the large ethnic style performance venue (ethnic song and dance performances and water-splashing activities). However, the most worthwhile and core part of the entire scenic area is the last point - hiking in the tropical ravine rainforest.


It is the core of the Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest. The most attractive feature of the scenic area is the aerial corridor, a 34-meter-high suspension bridge built with the trunks of dozens of Wangtianshu trees, allowing visitors to overlook the entire tropical rainforest from above.

Daluo Border Gate

It cannot sever people's emotional ties, nor can it untangle their hearts. From the Yuan Dynasty's 'Daolong', to the 'Banna Jingluo' during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and now to Daluo Town, various ethnic groups have gathered at this crossing to engage in trade activities. The China-Myanmar boundary marker stands at the edge of Manbang Village, surrounded by lush banyan trees. Especially notable is the unique large banyan tree that forms a forest on its own, which is truly awe-inspiring.

Wanda Theme Park

Set against the backdrop of a native tropical rainforest, the park features two main theme areas: 'Land Park' and 'Water Park'. In the Land Park, visitors can experience thrilling water roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, watch Dai and Thai style float parades, and enjoy a fantastic ice musical. The Water Park offers various exciting and creative water entertainment options, taking you into a refreshing aquatic world.

Zongfo Temple

Xishuangbanna Zongfo Temple is the center for Buddhist worship for believers in Xishuangbanna and is also the highest-ranking temple among the temples in Xishuangbanna. The architecture of Zongfo Temple is grand and magnificent, with exquisitely carved beams and columns. The main buildings include the Vihan Hall and the Buddhist Academy teaching building.

Manzhang Village

If you want to visit a traditional village in Xishuangbanna, it must be Manzhang Village. Unlike other villages that exist solely for tourism, this village still maintains bamboo houses supported by wooden pillars, tiles that are replaced annually, and garden plants that are not deliberately cultivated but appear exquisite and charming.
Manting Park is the oldest park in Xishuangbanna and a natural village-style park. Locals habitually call it 'Chunhuan Garden,' meaning the Garden of Souls. The park features eight areas, including the Ethnic Culture Square, Vine Plant Area, Tropical Orchid Garden, Peacock Garden, Buddhist Culture Area, and Tree Planting Memorial Area. Additionally, the evening performances of 'Lancang-Mekong Night' and the bonfire party are the park's highlights and are well worth seeing.

Dayi Manor

The famous Pu'er tea is mainly produced in Xishuangbanna, which is why Menghai County is known as the first county of Pu'er tea. If you want to have a comprehensive experience of Pu'er tea, Dayi Manor is a good choice. Originally a tea research institution, it now incorporates elements of tea tourism. You can take a carriage ride into the tea garden, carry a basket to experience the life of a tea picker, and then personally press a Pu'er tea cake of your own. You can taste Pu'er tea, enjoy tea meals, and if you stay in the manor, you can also participate in the free bonfire party held in the evening!