Appreciate the most beautiful church in Harbin

Harbin in winter with snow has a unique charm. The dark green dome and dark red walls of the churches in the city become more exquisite and elegant amidst the falling snowflakes. Harbin has churches of various religions, including Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, and Islamic. Let's take a look together!

The red exterior walls, unique onion dome roof, and Baroque-style tower are very distinctive.
Saint Sophia Cathedral was built in 1907 and is currently one of the most well-preserved Byzantine-style buildings in China. In 1997, it was renamed the 'Harbin Architectural Art Gallery,' but both locals and tourists prefer to call it 'Saint Sophia Cathedral.'
The German Lutheran Church is a church built by German expatriates in Harbin and was once one of the larger expatriate Christian churches in Harbin. The church emphasizes its height with pointed arches and sloping roofs, while the dark red thickened walls and green roofs create a striking color contrast.
St. Iver Church is located in Daoli District, Harbin City. It was originally a military Orthodox church of the Russian Empire's Outer Amur Military District. The church is dedicated to the Icon of Our Lady of Iver.
The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin is the only Orthodox church in Harbin that has resumed religious activities. It was originally built in 1902 as a stone structure prayer house. The congregation was mainly composed of Ukrainians, hence it was once known as the Ukrainian Church.
Tatar Mosque is one of the ancient mosques in Harbin, also known as the Turkish Mosque. The style of Tatar Mosque is influenced by Byzantine architecture while inheriting the traditional Arab cultural essence. It exudes a solemn, serene, and profound religious atmosphere, making it a must-visit place for those who appreciate religious architecture.

Hulan Catholic Church

Hulan Catholic Church was first built in the 34th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty (1908). The main building is a twin-tower French-style church, 35 meters high, with a structure of blue bricks, tiles, and timber, showcasing a strong European architectural art style. Its exterior bears some resemblance to the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France.
The Dormition of the Mother of God Church, also known as Uspenskaya Church, is an Orthodox church built in 1908 for the worship of the deceased. It features Russian architectural style and is constructed with brick and wood.
A modern church with a luxurious interior and European-style architecture, suitable for photography.