Eight popular attractions in Sanya

Face to the sea, blossoms in spring. All worries fade away when you face the sea, just let yourself go and enjoy the tranquility. Don't miss any of the eight must-visit attractions in Sanya.

Yalong Bay

"The First Bay in the World" - Yalong Bay best fulfills travelers' expectations for a classic seaside vacation.

Wuzhizhou Island

This "heart-shaped" island, although small in size, is enough to keep people entertained for a whole day.

The ends of the earth

Throughout the years, the four words "天涯海角" not only express the homesickness of wanderers living in a foreign land and the steadfastness of lovers in love, but also carry the yearning of travelers for Sanya in their hearts.

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

"Facing the sea, with a backdrop of green mountains, flowers bloom in all four seasons." This is Ge You's evaluation of the park in the movie.

Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone

Yalong Bay Forest Park is a natural paradise, while Yanoda can be truly considered a forest amusement park.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone

In Chinese civilization, Nanshan has always been known as an auspicious and blessed place.

Binglang Valley Li Miao Cultural Tourism Area

In Sanya, there is more than just beaches and forest parks. The Li and Miao Cultural Tourism Area hidden in the sea of ten thousand betel nut trees is also worth a visit.

Deer Look Back Mountain Top Park

Luhuitou, standing at the top of the Wuling Mountains, is renowned for its Li ethnic love legend behind the white deer sculpture on the mountaintop. It is a popular city park frequented by locals.