Several must-try halal delicacies in Lanzhou

When it comes to the cuisine of Lanzhou, besides the well-known Lanzhou noodles, there are also many other delicious dishes. Let's find out which famous halal restaurants in Lanzhou are a must-visit.

Jincheng Noodle Pieces First Stir-fry (Dazhong Alley Main Store)

The signature stir-fried noodle pieces have an authentic taste, paired with tomatoes, green peppers, and meat slices, exuding a rich aroma. Although the noodle pieces are only the size of a fingernail, they are very chewy. The tendon meat looks appetizing, topped with red chili, and tastes neither dry nor tough, with a natural fragrance.

Ma Laoliu Halal Restaurant (Tongwei Road Branch)

Ma Laoliu Halal Restaurant is located in the city center. It is an old and well-known establishment with convenient transportation and decorations that reflect ethnic characteristics. The signature dish is hand-grabbed mutton, which is fatty but not greasy, fragrant but not spicy, and has no mutton smell at all. The meat quality is excellent.

Ma Da Hu Zi Lamb (Main Store)

A local specialty in Lanzhou, reasonably priced, generous portions, tender lamb, worth trying.

Halal·Fat Mama Hand-Grasp (Dingxi Road Main Store)

The hand-grasped mutton in this store is very authentic, fatty but not greasy.

Yunfeng Halal Restaurant (Nanbinhe Road Branch)

Local gourmet restaurant, close to the Yellow River, opposite the famous Baita Mountain Park, where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while dining.