Which hot spring is the best in Tangshan, Nanjing?

What is the most famous place in Nanjing? Besides those classic tourist spots, it must be Tangshan Hot Springs! Hurry up and pick a day, choose a place to experience it, and rejuvenate yourself in the midst of a tiring journey or busy work!

Yishang Hot Spring Hotel

Famous, abundant hot springs, beautiful scenery. Yishang Hot Spring is the largest outdoor hot spring base in East China, and it ranks first in Tangshan for its unique features, large scale, and excellent service. Tangshan has a total of five hot springs, and Yishang occupies two of them. This place is known for its concentrated hot springs and picturesque scenery, making it an excellent destination for hot spring therapy. Most notably, there are 50 outdoor hot spring pools and 30 high-end, elegant private hot spring rooms, such as the Flower Love Zone, Health Preservation Zone, Turkish Bath Zone, Waterfall Pool, Finnish Bath Zone, Roman Marble Bath, etc. These hundreds of hot spring bathing methods form a unique 'Yishang characteristic' leisure and health preservation way, which is definitely worth experiencing at least once.

No.1 Outdoor Hot Spring Resort

Established, famous, and grand. Located within the Nanjing Military Region Hot Spring Sanatorium, the No.1 Hot Spring is nestled among green mountains and clear waters. It is a renowned old hot spring in Tangshan, having hosted national leaders such as Zhu De, Dong Biwu, and Ye Jianying. The hot spring is designed with grandeur, featuring over 50 different styles of outdoor pools, including flower springs, fruit springs, and herbal pools. Among these, the free fish therapy pool in the dynamic area is the most popular. Additionally, there is a children's playground, making it an excellent destination for family trips with children and elders.

Yuhao Hot Spring Hotel

Republic of China architecture, open-air rooftop hot springs. Want to soak in an open-air hot spring on a rooftop garden? Then come to Yuhao Tangshan Hot Spring! On the rooftop with the architectural style of the Republic of China, in a miniature Jiangnan garden of thousands of square meters, there are a total of 11 hot spring pools and more than 30 rest rooms. Bubbling spring water, steaming hot, with distant views of mountains and close views of the garden, it feels like being in a fairyland. At the same time, you can also enjoy multiple surprises of skincare, wellness, and health care.
Great privacy, science education, forest hot springs. Each hot spring in Tangshan has its own characteristics, but only Ziqing Lake is filled with a unique natural atmosphere, allowing you to enjoy a harmonious experience with nature. Located in the scenic area of the eastern suburbs of Nanjing, Ziqing Lake Hot Spring is renowned for its 'forest hot springs.' The natural hot spring pools here are all outdoors, featuring flowing water, small bridges, waterfalls, and flowers, offering excellent privacy. You can enjoy a 'close encounter' with nature while soaking in the hot springs.

Nanjing Tangshan Shengquan Hot Spring City

Volcanic bath, time-honored brand, high cost performance. Tangshan Shengquan Hot Spring, known as 'Tangchi Shengquan, Imperial Enjoyment,' features volcanic mud baths as its biggest highlight. The volcanic mud is rich in over 60 minerals and trace elements needed by the human body, which not only strengthens the body but also beautifies the skin. Additionally, the outdoor hot springs here use spring water and offer various types of baths, including flower baths for relaxation, medicinal baths for health maintenance, fish therapy baths for playful enjoyment, all of which are unique and highly cost-effective.

Bali Fan Pool Hot Spring

Bali style, comprehensive medicinal bath health care. Bali Fan Pool is located between the picturesque landscapes of Banpo Lake, at the highest spring eye in Tangshan, featuring typical Bali style. It integrates six scenic spots: 'spring, stele, cave, lake, temple, and forest,' offering beautiful scenery and excellent springs. The hot springs are diverse and fully functional, with the most distinctive being the Five Elements Pool named Bali Fan Pool, which uses traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the five internal organs. Additionally, the 'Beauty Soup Pool' has four major effects: whitening, astringent, beautifying, and calming, designed specifically for women. After fish therapy SPA, hot spring massage, and cold spring firming, the whole body and mind can relax, experiencing the so-called 'unity of heaven and man, unity of body and mind, unity of Brahman and self' together with the natural scenery. Isn't it a brand new experience?