There are 6 authentic fried sauce noodle restaurants in Beijing

The method of making Zhajiang noodles is simple. There are Zhajiang noodle restaurants all over the capital city, but which one has the most authentic method? Here are six delicious and inexpensive noodle restaurants recommended for you.

Haiwanju Old Beijing Zhajiangmian King Main Store

Haiwanju Old Beijing Zhajiangmian is a restaurant enterprise with old Beijing characteristics. It features the style of Beijing architecture with gray bricks and green tiles, carved lattice windows, simple and elegant decor, a spacious and bright hall full of Beijing flavor, and many private rooms such as 'Gaoliang Bridge', 'Changdian', and 'White Pagoda Temple'. It recreates the folk customs and culture of old Beijing, showcasing authentic Beijing-style dining and architectural culture.

Fangzhuanchang Hutong No. 83 Courtyard

A small hutong restaurant once visited by Nicholas Tse, offering great value for money.

Siji Minfu

Highly rated online, not only offers Peking duck, but also combines great taste with good deals.

Chengnan Residence

The dish includes egg skin, which is said to be a late Qing Dynasty ingredient and is now very rare.

Qi Xun Ba Zhao Guo Er Tiao

Once won the second place in the food selection competition, the noodles are served without being rinsed!

Shunxin Zhai Old Beijing Zhajiang Noodles

A traditional old shop with nearly 20 years of history, offering seven bowls and eight dishes without missing a single one.