I've downloaded both the offline version of the map and Google Maps offline, but I still want to buy a phone card. I wonder if friends who have been there before think 1G of data is enough for playing along the way from Nice to Avignon ? France Q&A
Driving in southern France and Switzerland, manual or automatic ? France Q&A
By the way, everyone, on the expressway, if a flashing light on the right side flashes, does it mean that you have been caught for speeding violations? If so, about how much is the fine? Is there a way to solve it ? France Q&A
Traveling by Road trip in France for 10 days, do you have any good recommended routes ? France Q&A
Those parking lots on the side of the road. After you pay, if you don't press that printed receipt in time, will they not give it to you? What if there's no receipt in the car? Will I be fined? If not, how do they know if I paid or not ? France Q&A
Excuse me, is the mountain road to Shengzhi Lake easy to drive ? France Q&A
Am I also taking this road if I want to rent a boat ? France Q&A
Hello, is the road from Nice to Grenoble in the middle mountainous ? France Q&A
Can anyone tell me if it's expressway or national highway from Paris to Avignon ? France Q&A
Does this road pass through the Verdon Gorge ? France Q&A
Don't worry, the road is very drivable. We two women have driven over 3000 km ? France Q&A
Road trip in France for 5 days, entering and exiting Paris, do you have any recommendations ? France Q&A
July 16th to 22nd Road trip from Paris to Nice, anyone going with me ? France Q&A
Can anyone tell me which road has lavender fields earlier ? France Q&A
I may only have an hour and a half of driving today. If the fuel gauge doesn't change, do I need to refuel? ? France Q&A