What's the weather like in March in Kappadokya and Fethiye ? Turkey Q&A
How's the weather over there with your friends ? Turkey Q&A
How's the traffic and weather ? Turkey Q&A
What's the weather like in mid-September? Is it cold ? Turkey Q&A
What's the weather like now? Is it cold? Is a down jacket enough to wear ? Turkey Q&A
How long is your layover time ? Turkey Q&A
How long does it take ? Turkey Q&A
How long does it take to visit the Buddha Pagoda ? Turkey Q&A
How long will it take? Is there a fast lane ? Turkey Q&A
Can you tell me how long it takes to enter Istanbul ? Turkey Q&A
Will my layover time be enough ? Turkey Q&A
How long will it take to get to D400? Will you have time to hang out in Kashgar for a while ? Turkey Q&A
Can the time for exchanging cars be earlier than the time selected for renting a car ? Turkey Q&A
Just asking everyone, how long does it take for your toll fees to be deducted ? Turkey Q&A
Then how long do you usually refund the deposit ? Turkey Q&A