All deposits are pre-authorized and will not be actually charged, so you can unfreeze it yourself after a month. Your credit card statement may not show this, so you can call the credit card center to check if the money is still there. If not, it means it has already been unfrozen ? Turkey Q&A
Excuse me, do you guys rent Dacia Duster cars? Does this car have a USB charging port for mobile phones ? Turkey Q&A
Hello dear friends, how do I get from Nevsehir Airport to Goreme town? Is there any transportation ? Turkey Q&A
Have anyone stayed at a hotel near Istanbul New Airport? Could you recommend one? ? Turkey Q&A
Hi guys, may I ask what time the hot air balloons of Kapalua usually take off ? Turkey Q&A
9.30 to Turkey. Counterclockwise for 10 days. Is there anyone going together ? Turkey Q&A
Can you please tell me if you will drive there tomorrow? What does "LVXR" mean in a group tour ? Turkey Q&A
Can a card that is not the primary driver be used ? Turkey Q&A
English is not good, how to solve language problems, the most afraid is to return the car, to call by phone ? Turkey Q&A
Does Istanbul Ataturk International Airport sell Turkish delight when returning to the country ? Turkey Q&A
I would like to ask those who have driven by themselves, which navigation system is good to use ? Turkey Q&A
Do any Road trip friends know if the Aspendos Ancient Theatre will be open in the morning during these days of the Kurban Bayram? I plan to visit on Wednesday (the 14th) morning, but I have encountered several attractions (Bodrum Castle Museum, Cotton Castle) that only open at 1 pm. Does anyone who has been there these days know ? Turkey Q&A
Do the shops in Ephesus open in the morning for two days ? Turkey Q&A
How to buy tickets on Turkish Airlines official website ? Turkey Q&A
What should I pay attention to when picking up the car? Will it be a scam ? Turkey Q&A