Guys, have you ever extended a rental? I should have returned it on the 9th, but my flight was cancelled and I bought a new one on the 13th. How should I extend it for 3 days? How much does it usually cost per day ? Thailand Q&A
My suitcase was taken away by mistake at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand yesterday. Later, I reported it and was told to wait for the notification. 8 hours later, it was delivered to the hotel where I was staying. I don't understand why I have to give an extra tip of 100 Thai baht?! My loss, my heart hurts a million times, who will save me? ? Thailand Q&A
Do I need to fill in the information of the additional driver I reserved for the car rental ? Turkey Q&A
Do you know how much Avis charges extra drivers ? New Zealand Q&A
Is extra driver not covered by extra insurance ? Australia Q&A
What is the approximate cost for an additional driver? Thank you ? Spain Q&A
Can additional drivers only buy on site ? Spain Q&A
Does anyone know how much it costs to add an additional driver to the car ? New Zealand Q&A
If additional drivers are added, how are they charged ? Canada Q&A
Oh oh, okay, so how much extra would that cost for extra drivers ? Australia Q&A
Do we need to inform the car rental company of an additional driver ? Australia Q&A
Do I need to buy extra driver when I drive by myself ? Turkey Q&A
Do I need to pay extra for an additional driver ? Netherlands Q&A
Mi scuso, ma non capisco la tua domanda. Potresti ripeterla o fornirmi ulteriori informazioni per aiutarti al meglio ? Australia Q&A
BUDGET Car Rental, New York, add an additional driver, how much does it cost ? United States Q&A
How much do you charge for an additional driver? In total, it will be for 10 days ? France Q&A
I don't know how much it costs to add an additional driver in Greece per day ? Greece Q&A