Do you know which website can offer discounts for high-speed train tickets from Paris to Geneva? ? Switzerland Q&A
How long does it usually take to receive a notice for speeding or other traffic violations ? Switzerland Q&A
Free time-limited parking card. May I ask if you are punching in the start time or the time limit for termination ? Switzerland Q&A
I saw someone say that there's nothing much to see on the expressway, so I'm wondering if there are any non-expressway routes with good scenery ? Switzerland Q&A
On the expressway, it's written 100, but I see everyone driving 120... When overtaking, they ask if it's almost 130... So, how fast is speeding exactly ? Switzerland Q&A
On the Swiss highway, there is a section that is clearly marked as 40 km/h. I drive at 40 km/h, but the car behind me keeps honking. I have to speed up to 60 km/h. I wonder if I will be fined ? Switzerland Q&A
Is there a gas station at Zurich Airport ? Switzerland Q&A
Can I get a refund at Zurich Airport ? Switzerland Q&A
Previously, someone said that they had been recovered ? Switzerland Q&A
Do I need to clean the car before returning it ? Switzerland Q&A
Excuse me, is there a gas station near Zurich airport ? Switzerland Q&A
What gasoline number does Switzerland generally add ? Switzerland Q&A
Do I need to wash the car before returning it ? Switzerland Q&A
Where is the gas station near the airport in Zurich before returning the car ? Switzerland Q&A
What should I do if I don't know what type of fuel to add at a self-service gas station ? Switzerland Q&A