And has anyone had dealings with Russian police? Our guide said we should never go to the police for help because we would get into trouble. Is that true ? Q&A
Will I have any trouble with the police if I drive a car by myself in Russia because I don't have a Russian driver's license ? Q&A
I heard that the police are checking.. ? Malaysia Q&A
Have any of you come across the police ? Malaysia Q&A
Qingmai Road trip, do the police check a lot ? Thailand Q&A
Do you have many electronic police in the United States ? United States Q&A
Which police are you from, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Croatia ? Croatia Q&A
Will the police fine you for having a translation ? Thailand Q&A
Do the police check for rentals more often ? Greece Q&A
Where can I find the police who check motorcycles in Chiang Mai ? Thailand Q&A
Will the police uncle check the car ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Have you been fined by the police for driving ? Laos Q&A
Have you ever been questioned by the police ? Switzerland Q&A
Do the police not recognize this thing ? Spain Q&A
Have you been fined by the police ? New Zealand Q&A
Do we absolutely need the police to come ? United Kingdom Q&A
Is there an electronic eye? Or a police on-site ticket ? United States Q&A