Do you need to pay at the dining places usually? Because it is said on the Internet that using cards is very convenient in Norway, but I wonder if you need to bring some small bills for tips ? Norway Q&A
Please advise: My one-day itinerary is: Bergen-Odda-Nordfjordeid-Sykkylven-Tau. Will it be too rushed? How many ferries do I need to take? Are the ferries convenient ? Norway Q&A
The scenery is so different on sunny days and rainy days. Is the probability of encountering clear weather much lower if you go to Norway in late August ? Norway Q&A
It is said on the Internet that someone will come to collect the money and give you a user manual card, and they will collect it when you get off. The fee can be paid by card ? Norway Q&A
Hello everyone, I would like to ask if there are any who have driven from Oslo to Lillehammer? It's the place that held the Winter Olympics before. How long does it take to drive there ? Norway Q&A
Hello everyone, which road is better to drive on, the northern E16 or the southern 52 turning into the 7th Highway, from Aurland to Oslo, and which road has better scenery ? Norway Q&A
On the way from Nuolhemson to Wos, there is a bridge. I didn't see a red light by the bridge and rushed past. Will I get a ticket ? Norway Q&A
Read the traffic regulations. Parking in Norway is very strict. I wonder if it's possible to find a place to park a little if the scenery along the country road is beautiful ? Norway Q&A
Can I ask if there's a daily limit of 200km for the rented car? If I exceed that limit, I understand that I'll just be charged for every kilometer over that limit, without any other fines, right? Thank you ? Norway Q&A
Hello everyone, my visa was returned to the application center in one day, and they didn't say whether it was successful or not. Do I need to go and get it ? Norway Q&A
My itinerary is 16 days in Norway, the first day of departure is a transfer from Finland to Norway, is this item written as Norway or Finland ? Norway Q&A
I also saw others say to go to the bank, and some people say they can pay online. However, there is no bank nearby, so I wonder how to pay online ? Norway Q&A
I picked up the car at Oslo Airport Europcar. In addition to the order amount, I also need to pay for a package, 60 NOK per person per day. It's not insurance. Do you know what it is ? Norway Q&A
Do you have any Road trip groups in Norway and Sweden? Going to Abisko, Lænne, Tromsø and other places~ ? Norway Q&A
Hi everyone, is it easy to buy tickets for a cruise from Busan to Vardø with a car and driver ? Norway Q&A