Can anyone please help me? Which account should I transfer the fine to ? Norway Q&A
Can't find a local bank right now, they told us to go back and contact our own bank to pay the fine. Has anyone ever done this before ? Norway Q&A
Hello everyone, have you ever received a parking violation ticket in Norway? How did you handle it ? Norway Q&A
Friends who rent a car, if you park on the roadside in various cities in Norway, many are free before 8:00 am and after 5:00 pm. But be sure to park in parking spaces or ask the hotel. Also, when parking in a garage, be sure not to park in private parking spaces, otherwise you may be fined ? Norway Q&A
On the way from Nuolhemson to Wos, there is a bridge. I didn't see a red light by the bridge and rushed past. Will I get a ticket ? Norway Q&A
We received a parking ticket. How do we pay it? We are now in Bergen ? Norway Q&A
Can I ask if there's a daily limit of 200km for the rented car? If I exceed that limit, I understand that I'll just be charged for every kilometer over that limit, without any other fines, right? Thank you ? Norway Q&A
What is this charge? A fine? I returned the car on June 4th and received the deduction information this morning ? Norway Q&A
We were fined 900. Where should we pay it ? Norway Q&A
Who knows how to pay the fine in Norway ? Norway Q&A