Is the authorization amount for self-service gasoline credit cards always higher than the usual gasoline amount, such as 100, but in fact you can't add that much, maybe only 50. I received a credit card notification of a 100 online transaction, hasn't the actual gasoline fee been settled yet ? New Zealand Q&A
Carpooling Asks the Same Question, Do Older People Need to Declare If They Bring Some Medicines for Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia? I saw on the latest entry card that only medicines that are used for over three months need to be declared. Are there any knowledgeable partners ? New Zealand Q&A
Can anyone tell me that will charge 2% service fee when using credit card? Surprised! Is it true for most hotels? Then the service fee is also a big expense, how do you solve it? Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A
Please ask the old drivers, my wife and I each have a Vodafone 3G card. Is it enough for 13 days of Road trip using mobile data navigation ? New Zealand Q&A
Feeling nervous. We will depart from Hong Kong on February 1st. If there are no delays, we should arrive in Auckland around 7:30 am on February 2nd, and then fly to Christchurch around 11:30 am. We will need to go through immigration, transfer to the airport, and recheck our boarding passes during the layover. I'm not sure if we will have enough time ? New Zealand Q&A
Domestic bank card passwords are all six digits. Every time I tried to swipe my card, it said my password was wrong. A salesperson told me to enter a four-digit password, but when I tried entering the first four digits and the last four digits, it still didn't work. Does anyone know how to enter this credit card password? Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A
C'è qualcuno che sa come funziona il pagamento self-service al distributore NPD? Ho fatto rifornimento di mezza tanica con la mia carta di credito questa mattina al distributore NPD self-service e mi sono accorto solo dopo di essere stato addebitato 150 SGD interi, ma stamattina ho fatto rifornimento di due terzi di tanica di benzina 91 al distributore BP per soli 90 SGD. Cosa succede e c'è un modo per risolvere il problema ? New Zealand Q&A
Have any of you bought a round-trip ticket from Auckland to Christchurch in New Zealand via Jetstar? I would like to ask, if I have bought a round-trip ticket on the official website and checked in online, and received an electronic boarding pass, do I need to print the itinerary? Can I also print the boarding pass at the airport check-in counter? I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this ? New Zealand Q&A
Can anyone tell me what kind of phone card you are using? Where can I buy it ? Norway Q&A
What mobile phone card is suitable to buy in Malaysia for 5 days ? Malaysia Q&A
Dear friends, how's the signal of the phone card you bought? Is there any recommendation ? Indonesia Q&A
To Kuala Lumpur, should I buy a phone card at the airport or in the domestic market ? Malaysia Q&A
Hello everyone, may I ask which phone card is better to buy in Norway? Can I buy it on Taobao ? Norway Q&A
Buddies, should we rent a Wi-Fi or buy a phone card ? Switzerland Q&A
Buy an Austrian phone card, can Czechoslovakia and Hungary be dialed ? Austria Q&A
Is the traffic enough? Should I buy a phone card on Taobao or buy it locally in Europe ? Czech Republic Q&A
Excuse me, can I buy a phone card or rent a Wi-Fi in Iceland on Taobao ? Iceland Q&A
Can I buy a phone card or rent a Wi-Fi in Iceland ? Iceland Q&A
Excuse me, which offline map is good? By the way, do you have any recommendations for buying phone cards ? France Q&A
Excuse me, is it better to rent a WiFi or buy a Canadian phone card ? Canada Q&A
By the way, should I buy a phone card before leaving home or buy one in Barcelona ? Spain Q&A
Which is better, phone card or rent WiFi ? Canada Q&A
What phone card should I buy if I use mobile navigation in Canada ? Canada Q&A