Is the road to Picton easy to walk ? New Zealand Q&A
Is the State Highway 1 from Christchurch to Kaikoura open now ? New Zealand Q&A
Is the road from Queenstown to Glenorchy closed ? New Zealand Q&A
When will the road from Picton to Kaikoura be open ? New Zealand Q&A
Same question, is Kekula Road open yet ? New Zealand Q&A
Is the road from Christchurch to Kaikoura open now ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you have any friends who know about the progress of road construction ? New Zealand Q&A
Is there a track that can be driven from Fox Glacier to Mount Cook ? New Zealand Q&A
Where is the scenic trail in Cook Mountain ? New Zealand Q&A
Is the Christchurch to Kaikoura State Highway 1 open? Can it be traveled in both directions ? New Zealand Q&A
I don't know what the road conditions are like in New Zealand? It is said that there are few cars on the road ? New Zealand Q&A
Can anyone who has transfer experience please tell me if I arrive in Auckland at 17:25 local time, can I catch the flight to Christchurch that leaves at 20:00 that same day ? New Zealand Q&A
Can someone please explain why a same car model with same insurance from Shania is around $1000 more expensive than from other rental companies? Is it necessary to get the Shania flash rental for the first time ? New Zealand Q&A
Do I need to pay a deposit again if I rent a car in North Island after paying a deposit in South Island? The same company and same car ? New Zealand Q&A
Hi guys, from Kaikoura to Greymouth, should we take highway 7 or highway 73? Which one is easier to drive on? Please advice. Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A