Oh, you're very alert. If I, as a scatterbrained, keep driving without paying attention to these things, will I be penalized more heavily if the police catch up with me? Is it true that American police have a standard procedure of making everyone put their hands on their heads and the other on the steering wheel ? New Zealand Q&A
Carpooling Asks the Same Question, Do Older People Need to Declare If They Bring Some Medicines for Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia? I saw on the latest entry card that only medicines that are used for over three months need to be declared. Are there any knowledgeable partners ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need the credit card used for renting to be the driver's name? Can it be used by a companion if there is no international credit card ? New Zealand Q&A
Est-ce que je peux également utiliser la confirmation de SMS qui indique que j'ai besoin de la facture de voiture, le service clientèle ne peut pas confirmer si je peux la prendre uniquement en fonction des informations électroniques ? New Zealand Q&A