Is the authorization amount for self-service gasoline credit cards always higher than the usual gasoline amount, such as 100, but in fact you can't add that much, maybe only 50. I received a credit card notification of a 100 online transaction, hasn't the actual gasoline fee been settled yet ? New Zealand Q&A
How to park near Dunedin Railway Station ? New Zealand Q&A
Sure, thank you! Are you referring to declaring on the immigration card ? New Zealand Q&A
What kind of phone card did you buy ? New Zealand Q&A
Which company do everyone rent a car from ? New Zealand Q&A
Hives. What should I do ? New Zealand Q&A
Who has come back from Fiji with their thoughts and experiences ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need two Vodafone cards ? New Zealand Q&A
Which company's did everyone rent from ? New Zealand Q&A
¿De cuándo eres? ¿Shanghái ? New Zealand Q&A
Where is the most convenient place to pay attention to New Zealand Transport Agency information ? New Zealand Q&A
Anybody knows about ezi ? New Zealand Q&A
Is it an old model ? New Zealand Q&A
What kind of road is this mountain road? Is it easy to drive a sedan ? New Zealand Q&A
@Babala: No consumption tax paid ? New Zealand Q&A