Is the authorization amount for self-service gasoline credit cards always higher than the usual gasoline amount, such as 100, but in fact you can't add that much, maybe only 50. I received a credit card notification of a 100 online transaction, hasn't the actual gasoline fee been settled yet ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you charge a deposit for renting a car, and do you charge a service fee for using a credit card ? New Zealand Q&A
Just finished watching your road video and understand a lot. Thank you so much. In addition, regarding sunpass, can I understand that if I rent the car sunpass, I need to pay the service fee, about $3.95 a day, and the toll fee will be deducted from my credit card at that time ? United States Q&A
All cars have it, and it's a good idea to ask the rental car company how toll fees are calculated. If the car rental company handles the payment, they may charge a processing fee ? Australia Q&A
Okay, thank you. It seems that booking fees are included on There is no tourism tax in New Zealand that is added to the room fee. There is no reminder ? New Zealand Q&A
I'd like to ask everyone if they rent a car from Hertz. When picking up the car locally and using a credit card to authorize a deposit freeze, will there be a fee for the credit card ? Australia Q&A
In Italy, they say the overtaking lane has no speed limit and that there is a 45 euro processing fee for the violation. I was fined twice, and some people say I must have committed two violations to be fined this much ? Italy Q&A
They say 35 pounds is a service fee but not a fine, however, I have been anxious for two months and have not received anything. I also do not know what the fine is or how much it is. I am very worried ? United Kingdom Q&A
I received a ticket today for occupying a bus lane. £130 payable within 14 days, £65 if paid immediately. £40 was charged to my credit card, is this the admin fee charged by the rental company? I pay the fine and they still charge me £40 ? United Kingdom Q&A
I have a question. Did I select the oil before placing the order or not? Is it the same as in China, where you pick up the car with a full tank and return it with a full tank? Otherwise, do I have to pay not only for the fuel but also a service fee ? Australia Q&A
Whether to fill up the gas tank when returning the car depends on the terms and conditions. Eroucar's new service does not require customers to deliberately refuel, as they will refuel without charging a processing fee and deduct the cost from the prepaid amount. I returned the car with a full tank, and the staff inspected the car on the spot and confirmed the signature on the mobile app. About a week later, I received a refund of 300 euros from the prepaid amount. On the other hand, another car rental company, Hertz, charges a pre-authorization of 75 euros and deducts the cost if the gas tank is not full, so the staff advised us to use up the gas as much as possible. Of course, we returned the car with a full tank, but the prepaid amount has not been refunded yet ? Germany Q&A
48.8 is handling fee, not a fine ? Italy Q&A
Aber ich habe meinen Flug bereits am 23. zurückgegeben und musste eine Gebühr von 1000 Yuan zahlen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich bei Fliggy die Rückerstattung beantragen kann ? Thailand Q&A
Excuse me, will there be service fees for credit card consumption, hotels, and dining ? New Zealand Q&A
Do restaurants in New Zealand charge service fees when using credit cards to pay ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Hay una tarifa de servicio en la mayoría de los hoteles de Nueva Zelanda al utilizar tarjetas de crédito? ¿La gente cambia generalmente a efectivo para pagar ? New Zealand Q&A