How much deposit do I need to pay when picking up a car at Avis in Christchurch ? New Zealand Q&A
Can't speak English. Is it easy to find a car and switch cars? What advice do you have on buying insurance ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, how much does it cost to drive a car across Wellington wharf? Can any car drive across ? New Zealand Q&A
Is the Rob Roy track good value for money? Can I drive there myself ? New Zealand Q&A
Return the car at the Christchurch Airport pickup point, do you need to add airport parking fees ? New Zealand Q&A
Hello everyone, when turning left in New Zealand, do you pull the lever up or down? Is it the opposite of China ? New Zealand Q&A
Can a 7-year-old child who weighs 26 kg rent a child seat on the spot when picking up the car at the store ? New Zealand Q&A
4 people playing 2 vs. 2 with 4 suitcases. Have you ever rented a car like this before? Is an Alphard enough ? New Zealand Q&A
When renting a car, the official website will say that you can put in large and small boxes of a certain size. May I ask everyone what size the large and small boxes mentioned here refer to ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you have any suggestions for renting a car to switch islands ? New Zealand Q&A
My car is a bit dirty after going to tekapo, I wonder if there will be a cleaning fee if I return it like this ? New Zealand Q&A
Wait for a while from Auckland to Queenstown, arrive at 12 o'clock and immediately go to rent a car, what good suggestions do you have ? New Zealand Q&A
Hello fellow travelers: Has anyone been to Kaikoura from Christchurch recently? Are the roads open? How long does it take to drive there? Thanks ? New Zealand Q&A
Do I need to book tickets for the ferry between the North and South Islands? Can I just drive up and buy tickets ? New Zealand Q&A
Hello everyone, do you add a second driver when renting a car? Is it necessary? How much does it cost? Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A