Do you need the credit card used for renting to be the driver's name? Can it be used by a companion if there is no international credit card ? New Zealand Q&A
Can magnetic stripe credit cards also be used ? New Zealand Q&A
Keep it up! I heard that self-service refueling requires a chip card. Can regular credit cards be used for manual refueling, right ? New Zealand Q&A
Do restaurants in New Zealand charge service fees when using credit cards to pay ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Hay una tarifa de servicio en la mayoría de los hoteles de Nueva Zelanda al utilizar tarjetas de crédito? ¿La gente cambia generalmente a efectivo para pagar ? New Zealand Q&A
Domestic bank card passwords are all six digits. Every time I tried to swipe my card, it said my password was wrong. A salesperson told me to enter a four-digit password, but when I tried entering the first four digits and the last four digits, it still didn't work. Does anyone know how to enter this credit card password? Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A
So suggest people rent cars with credit cards and make sure your credit cards have rental car insurance. My card has it, so I don't have to buy any collision insurance. After getting home, I just fill out an online claim form, upload all the photos, documents, and credit card records when I rented the car, etc. Two weeks later, I received an email saying the claim was approved, and all the windshield fees that the rental car company deducted from me were returned to me. They asked me how I wanted them to send the money to me ? New Zealand Q&A
C'è qualcuno che sa come funziona il pagamento self-service al distributore NPD? Ho fatto rifornimento di mezza tanica con la mia carta di credito questa mattina al distributore NPD self-service e mi sono accorto solo dopo di essere stato addebitato 150 SGD interi, ma stamattina ho fatto rifornimento di due terzi di tanica di benzina 91 al distributore BP per soli 90 SGD. Cosa succede e c'è un modo per risolvere il problema ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, do you have any experience using credit cards for self-service fueling? Is it that you need to swipe 100 first and then get the money back ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need a chip card to fuel up at gas stations in New Zealand ? New Zealand Q&A
Mi dispiace, non ho capito la tua domanda. Potresti ripeterla o fornirmi ulteriori dettagli ? New Zealand Q&A
Apart from homestays and some restaurants, are there not many places that charge a fee for using credit cards ? New Zealand Q&A
Which credit card is better to take to New Zealand, or does it not matter if it's Visa ? New Zealand Q&A
Do gas stations charge service fees for credit card gas refueling ? New Zealand Q&A
How to refuel and can I use a domestic credit card ? New Zealand Q&A