Is the authorization amount for self-service gasoline credit cards always higher than the usual gasoline amount, such as 100, but in fact you can't add that much, maybe only 50. I received a credit card notification of a 100 online transaction, hasn't the actual gasoline fee been settled yet ? New Zealand Q&A
Have you ever used self-service fueling? Is the credit card authorized first, and then the actual fueling amount is deducted after the gun is lifted ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you know anything about refueling? When refueling with a credit card, I actually put in 60 dollars, but the credit card was charged 150 dollars. Will the money be returned? How long does it take to return ? New Zealand Q&A
C'è qualcuno che sa come funziona il pagamento self-service al distributore NPD? Ho fatto rifornimento di mezza tanica con la mia carta di credito questa mattina al distributore NPD self-service e mi sono accorto solo dopo di essere stato addebitato 150 SGD interi, ma stamattina ho fatto rifornimento di due terzi di tanica di benzina 91 al distributore BP per soli 90 SGD. Cosa succede e c'è un modo per risolvere il problema ? New Zealand Q&A
Keep it up! I heard that self-service refueling requires a chip card. Can regular credit cards be used for manual refueling, right ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, do you have any experience using credit cards for self-service fueling? Is it that you need to swipe 100 first and then get the money back ? New Zealand Q&A
I'm not very clear about how to self-service refuel and self-park in New Zealand at the moment. Does anyone know how to operate it ? New Zealand Q&A
Can anyone who has used self-service fueling tell me how long it takes for the pre-bonus of $150 to be returned? I charged it on March 31st, and today is the 10th and it hasn't been returned yet. Is that normal ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need to keep every refueling receipt ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you have to have a New Zealand entry record to use the fingerprint self-service channel ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, are there rest stops like the expressway rest stops in China on the highways in New Zealand? Are facilities such as toilets and fueling convenient ? New Zealand Q&A
Can three sedans go to the South Island of New Zealand, or must it be an SUV ? New Zealand Q&A
Which car rental is cheaper? Is 11 days Road trip in the South Island enough? Could you recommend it to me, thank you ? New Zealand Q&A
Nike, I can't book the self-service restaurant 28 in Queenstown. Which website did you book it on ? New Zealand Q&A
Any suggestions for first-time car renters in New Zealand? Planning to drive in New Zealand during the National Day holiday, any suggestions from everyone ? New Zealand Q&A