Cosa è l'indirizzo di un parcheggio sicuro vicino alla Torre pendente di Pisa ? Italy Q&A
Are you sure? Wasn't it supposed to be to Beijing or Hangzhou before ? Italy Q&A
Okay, down jacket is okay ? Italy Q&A
Can you tell me which place in the Dolomites is in the photo ? Italy Q&A
The visa has been processed. What documents do I need ? Italy Q&A
Is it OK for 6 people and 4 suitcases ? Italy Q&A
How far is Avis car rental company from Rome Fiumicino Airport ? Italy Q&A
Where is it? Please tell me 300 meters away from the Leaning Tower of Pizza, parking lot ? Italy Q&A
May I ask about the current security situation in Italy ? Italy Q&A
How do I get in... The hotel is in the area ? Italy Q&A
Which city is it in? Do you have to drive there ? Italy Q&A
Are there any in Rome from the 17th to 19th ? Italy Q&A
Is Venice stopped at that parking island ? Italy Q&A
Can you tell me if it is raining in Venice now? I am planning to go there today ? Italy Q&A
What's the weather like in Rome and Sicily, Italy now ? Italy Q&A