I'm not sure if we need to check passports for the ball game tickets ? Italy Q&A
When you arrive at the car rental location, the company requires you to buy full insurance. Can you not buy full insurance ? Italy Q&A
Now what's the weather like in Rome, Florence, and Venice? Is it snowing ? Italy Q&A
Is it very cold in Shi Yu Duomi? Could you please ask the classmates ? Italy Q&A
Florence borrows the terminal from Rome, will it enter the Rome ztl ? Italy Q&A
Do you suggest taking a train or driving from Rome to Florence to Venice ? Italy Q&A
Which route is better to drive from the airport to the Dolomites ? Italy Q&A
I didn't buy the fast entry ticket for St. Peter's Basilica. Is it necessary to buy one ? Italy Q&A
Can I get the car with the translated car rental agreement ? Italy Q&A
May I ask everyone what does the gauge indicate ? Italy Q&A
Kann ein Führerschein, der von der italienischen Botschaft zertifiziert wurde, in Deutschland verwendet werden ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, is Avis in Rome very unreliable ? Italy Q&A
Are the tickets for the ball game on Viagogo electronic and can be printed directly ? Italy Q&A
What should I do if I return the car to ZLT, which is where I rented it ? Italy Q&A
Can you fix the car by yourself at the garage ? Italy Q&A