What time is your flight from Milan to Beijing? CA950, right ? Italy Q&A
Who is in Sicily? Is there a ZTL in Siracusa ? Italy Q&A
May I ask how many days in advance do you exchange euros ? Italy Q&A
Ist die Strecke von Mailand nach Interlaken gut befahrbar ? Italy Q&A
Do you suggest taking a train or driving from Rome to Florence to Venice ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, what should I do? I'm in Wuhan ? Italy Q&A
Is there a traffic restriction area in Venice ? Italy Q&A
How to tell if the rented car is gasoline or diesel ? Italy Q&A
Do the towns of Marcesine and Ossero have ZTL limited traffic zones ? Italy Q&A
What is ZTL parking lot? Is it indoor ? Italy Q&A
Is there a problem with returning the car one or two hours early ? Italy Q&A
How much does it cost to apply for a visa at the embassy? Is it easy to handle ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, do you know if there are any experts who know where to buy Florence ZTL entrance tickets in Milan ? Italy Q&A
Do you have any recommendations for good parking lots in La Spezia ? Italy Q&A
Is there a ferry from Sicily to Rome with car on board ? Italy Q&A