Please guide me on how to obtain a driving license recognized by Italy ? Italy Q&A
Do I need to notarize my driver's license when renting a car in Italy ? Italy Q&A
May I know if I can go to Guidu Shanghai to handle the certification of my driver's license ? Italy Q&A
Have you all done the notary authentication of your driver's license ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, do you have any experience in getting a driver's license authenticated at the embassy in Guangzhou ? Italy Q&A
Driver's license authentication at the Italian embassy, how did everyone complete the translation of their driver's license ? Italy Q&A
What should I do with the power of attorney for the notarization of the driver's license at the Italian embassy ? Italy Q&A
Question about driver's license: Can a domestic C license drive a 9-seater MPV? Note: The original text contains HTML tags, which are preserved in the translation ? Italy Q&A
Wer hat einen Muster für eine Übersetzung des italienischen Führerscheins im Konsularbezirk Guangzhou ? Italy Q&A
Do I need to get my driver's license authenticated by the consulate when driving in Italy ? Italy Q&A
Will man mit dem Schiff nach Hongkong Flughafen fahren, zählt das nicht als Einreise? Wird man zurück nach Hongkong Flughafen fahren, zählt das als Einreise? Oder man sollte direkt mit dem Schiff nach Shenzhen Shekou Hafen zurückfahren ? Italy Q&A
Fellows, is the address for Shanghai driver's license authentication on the 19th floor of No. 989 Changle Road ? Italy Q&A
Do I need to provide an embassy driver license authentication document when picking up a car in Sicily ? Italy Q&A
Do I need to get my driver's license authenticated by the consulate to rent a car ? Italy Q&A
Check the driver's license, but isn't it only a translation, can it be used ? Italy Q&A