Do you need two credit cards as a guarantee for renting a car in Italy ? Italy Q&A
Do you need snow chains for driving in Italy ? Italy Q&A
Hello everyone, how did you solve your communication issues ? Italy Q&A
What should I do if my credit card was directly charged 100 euros when refueling in Milan ? Italy Q&A
When will the frozen funds on the credit card be unfrozen ? Italy Q&A
Can I pay for parking and fuel with cash ? Italy Q&A
Kann ein Führerschein, der von der italienischen Botschaft zertifiziert wurde, in Deutschland verwendet werden ? Italy Q&A
Do we need Italy? Can relatives with white books go ? Italy Q&A
Can the fine be paid by credit card? Or is it a handling fee charged by the garage ? Italy Q&A
Hello, is it required to use snow tires when driving in the Dolomites now ? Italy Q&A
The visa has been processed. What documents do I need ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, can I use the Colosseum with the Roma pass now? Do I need to make a reservation ? Italy Q&A
So, are you saying that I won't have to pay if I park along the blue lines on that Sunday ? Italy Q&A
Is it valid in all cities in Italy? Is there a time limit ? Italy Q&A
What network signal is better to drive in the Dolomites mountains ? Italy Q&A