Does anyone know what the full insurance price for Europcar is for one day ? Germany Q&A
What should I do if my car gets into an accident? Should I call the insurance ? Germany Q&A
Is it necessary to buy full insurance in Munich, otherwise they will find fault ? Germany Q&A
Just want to ask how much it costs to buy insurance at a German car dealership ? Germany Q&A
Do you still need to buy PERs even if you have full insurance ? Germany Q&A
@xczon You were asked to buy insurance, right? In the end, can you not buy it ? Germany Q&A
Thank you! What should I pay attention to when buying insurance ? Germany Q&A
Excuse me, on my rental contract it says to use unleaded 98. So when I go to the gas station, should I use super ? Germany Q&A
I would like to ask everyone, in Germany it's called super 95 gasoline, but in Switzerland there is no gasoline with the same name. What should I use instead ? Germany Q&A
Renting a car in Europe is completely unnecessary to purchase full insurance. If you choose to purchase additional "full insurance" on your own, it is your right to do so, and there is no issue of acceptance or non-acceptance on the part of the car rental company. This is a false dilemma. Additional insurance is an important source of income for car rental companies, and it is much more expensive than other methods, including purchasing insurance in Europe itself ? Germany Q&A
Is domestic insurance company compensation referring to the need to pay on the spot at the time of the accident ? Germany Q&A
Insurance should not be compensated, so is it better not to report to the car rental agency ? Germany Q&A
What is the ID number on everyone's insurance policy? It's not an ID card number or a passport number ? Germany Q&A
Many reviews say they were forced to buy insurance when renting a car. How to avoid it ? Germany Q&A
May I ask, is it troublesome to claim insurance when returning to China? How long does it take ? Germany Q&A