Do you need to pay parking fees when returning the car at Frankfurt Airport ? Germany Q&A
Did everyone refuel at Frankfurt Airport when returning the car ? Germany Q&A
Excuse me, if I return the car late for half a day, will it be counted as one day or half a day ? Germany Q&A
Is the car rental process at Frankfurt Airport complicated ? Germany Q&A
Can a magnetic stripe credit card be used when renting a car ? Germany Q&A
How will I be charged for returning the car late ? Germany Q&A
How long does it take to drive from Munich to Salzburg ? Germany Q&A
The fine from the last time in France was delayed, can I still order a car this time ? Germany Q&A
Hello! Do you know what this symbol means when the car lights are on ? Germany Q&A
How is the interior space of this car? Is the car model easy to drive ? Germany Q&A
Does car rental have credit card limit requirements ? Germany Q&A
How is the seating space and handling of this car for three people ? Germany Q&A
Where to return the car at Frankfurt Airport Hertz? How to navigate ? Germany Q&A
Excuse me, is there a suitable place for refueling near Munich airport when returning the car ? Germany Q&A
Can I pick up the car in Italy, drive through Switzerland, and return it in Germany ? Germany Q&A