Ask the current travelers in Germany! What are the morning/evening temperatures now in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic? What type of clothes should you wear during the day? Do you need to wear down jackets or similar things at night ? Germany Q&A
Never drove over 200, feeling a little lost. If I don't limit my speed to around 120 on the highway, should I drive in the leftmost lane? What about driving with large trucks ? Germany Q&A
Do any of you friends live in southern Germany right now? What time does it get dark at night? I want to plan my itinerary to avoid walking at night. Thank you ? Germany Q&A
Can anyone please tell me: Is it convenient and cost-effective to buy the 2-day Frankfurt City Ticket for 83 RMB, which includes city transportation and a 50% discount on some attractions, when visiting Frankfurt ? Germany Q&A
Romantic Germany Road trip is about to end. We will return the car at Munich airport in the afternoon. Do we need to go to a car wash before returning the car to wash it clean ? Germany Q&A
Dear gurus, if you upgrade the car model by paying extra money at the car dealership, do you still need to pay the difference in insurance fees for the original Super Comprehensive Insurance that you have already purchased ? Germany Q&A
Do I need to wash the car before returning it? Is there a requirement for how far away from the return location the last gas station needs to be ? Germany Q&A
We arrived in Munich early on the 7th and plan to go to southern Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. Are there any companions ? Germany Q&A
Who can help explain why I can't download offline on Google maps in Germany? It prompts me to log in first, but I can't register with a domestic phone number ? Germany Q&A
Can I ask why, after getting a tax refund (in cash) in Switzerland, I still need to go to the customs to get a stamp and then send the tax invoice back ? Germany Q&A
Can someone in Germany who is my friend now go to the bank to pay my parking ticket for 10 euros for me? I can't pay it in China with many methods ? Germany Q&A
Can I ask you all a question? I will drive about 1800 kilometers in southern Germany. Should I choose a Mercedes-Benz GLA or is there a better option ? Germany Q&A
Have any of the friends in the group rented a Passat travel car? Can the trunk fit a 30-inch suitcase and two 28-inch suitcases? Thanks a lot ? Germany Q&A
Do I need to buy a highway ticket to drive into France? Right now in Baden, Germany. Planning to drive to Strasbourg, France to take a look and then drive back to Germany on the same day ? Germany Q&A
Hi, how much is the expressway fee from Frankfurt, Germany to Interlaken, Switzerland? And where is the expressway fee purchased in Switzerland ? Germany Q&A