How much is the cost of baby car seat rental for a 5-day car rental in Czech Republic ? Czech Republic Q&A
Hello everyone, what is the temperature in Czech Republic and Austria? What kind of overcoat do I need to wear ? Czech Republic Q&A
Where can I buy the expressway toll from the Czech Republic to Austria ? Czech Republic Q&A
I mean, isn't Budapest to Prague through Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic ? Czech Republic Q&A
I'm not quite clear whether there are fees for transit, and whether expressway tickets are also needed ? Czech Republic Q&A
Why do some people online say that Germany requires buying ten days of highway tolls ? Czech Republic Q&A
Oh oh, where did you pick up the car? I also rented a Skoda Fabia Combi. I picked it up at Central Station ? Czech Republic Q&A
One can buy one as well, but I don't know which one is better to use, the phone card or Wi-Fi ? Czech Republic Q&A
What is the smallest denomination for cash withdrawal from Czech ATMs ? Czech Republic Q&A
Do I need to pay for expressway fees when driving from the Czech Republic to Austria and Germany ? Czech Republic Q&A
What displacement does the Skoda Citigo and the Skoda Citigo Scout have ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is Google Maps enough for Road trip? I see many people still rented a TomTom navigation, is it necessary ? Czech Republic Q&A
What if there is a portable Wi-Fi and international roaming is activated? Do you still need a virtual private network ? Czech Republic Q&A
Do you carry your passport with you when you go out, or leave it at the hotel ? Czech Republic Q&A
24 hours is no problem. Can the pick-up and drop-off locations not be changed ? Czech Republic Q&A