How many days does it take to travel from Calgary to Banff by car and back ? Canada Q&A
How long does it take to drive from Vancouver to Kelowna ? Canada Q&A
How long did it take to get to Banff Town from the airport ? Canada Q&A
Not sure which boat to take to truly experience the scenery of Thousand Island Lake? Which boat did you take (Kingston or Gananoque)? How many hours was the boat ride ? Canada Q&A
Excuse me, are there any inbound passengers these two days? Do they take body temperature when entering there ? Canada Q&A
Do you know how long does it take to refund the deposit when picking up the car ? Canada Q&A
Dear all gods, what bus should I take to go from Toronto airport to the University of Toronto ? Canada Q&A
Can you please tell me how long does it take to refund the authorization deposit for car rental ? Canada Q&A
Go to Lake Louise, take Highway 1A and Highway 1. What are the differences in scenery and road conditions ? Canada Q&A
Can I just go there without making an appointment and take the ferry by car on the same day ? Canada Q&A
How much does it cost to take the ferry to Prince Edward Island from the Maritime Provinces ? Canada Q&A
Ask friends who have been there, how long does it take to do the glacier snowmobile and skywalk in total ? Canada Q&A
How long does it take to walk from Koutenai to Banff? Is the mountain road easy to walk on ? Canada Q&A
Okay, I feel relieved now. It will take about several hours to play and walk, do you know that ? Canada Q&A
Do you know what procedures are required to take the ferry from Victoria to Seattle by car ? Canada Q&A