What's the rough price for a non-budget flight from Perth to Melbourne ? Australia Q&A
Perth with no itinerary, from the 19th to the 26th. Do my friends have any suggestions ? Australia Q&A
In addition to the airport, where else can you pick up a car in Perth ? Australia Q&A
Have anyone been to Perth? Want to create a circle to communicate ? Australia Q&A
Are you planning a self-drive trip from July 1st to August 3rd in Perth ? Australia Q&A
Just asking ? Australia Q&A
Going to Perth at the end of July for a 11-day trip. Are there any of you going at the same time ? Australia Q&A
What's the temperature like in Perth now? Is two layers of clothing enough ? Australia Q&A
Hello everyone, is there anyone who has experience driving in Perth, Western Australia ? Australia Q&A
What's the weather like in Perth? Do I need to wear thick clothes at night ? Australia Q&A
How about the lobster processing factory north of Perth? Have you tried it? Do I need to make a reservation ? Australia Q&A
Is it reliable to drive from Perth to Monkey Mia in one day ? Australia Q&A
Are there any fellow travelers from Beijing to Perth on the 11.19 ? Australia Q&A
4 days from Perth to Kalbarri, via Cervantes and Geraldton. Do you need to book a hotel ? Australia Q&A
Flight 3 to Melbourne, how is the situation now? Is there a possibility of refusing entry to Chinese nationals ? Australia Q&A