Könnte jemand mit dem Auto von Kopenhagen nach Berlin fahren? Muss man dazwischen mit dem Fährschiff über den Ozean fahren? Muss man die Fährkarten im Voraus buchen ?

3 Answers

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Can buy ferry tickets online a few hours in advance Go to the website yourself, there is English

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Can walk on land. It's best to book the ferry in advance.

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We drove from Copenhagen to Norway via Sweden. We planned to take a ferry, but when we picked up the car, we found that the car rental company had set the default route to be the bridge across the sea. The staff said they could help me change to a ferry, but the price was twice as much, so I didn't change it, so it definitely needs to be booked in advance. In addition, when renting a car, pay attention to some cars that cannot go to the Netherlands, so you cannot drive to Germany.