Hello everyone, how difficult is it to drive by yourself, is the expressway easy to drive, is the speed of the car fast, and is the traffic flow large ?

3 Answers

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Follow traffic rules, familiarize with navigation, and there's nothing difficult.

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The road conditions in the United States are very good, with almost no traffic jams. Americans' cars all have high horsepower, the land is vast and the population is small, and there are very few traffic monitors. They will all drive very fast, but still pay attention not to exceed the speed limit. It is much easier to run on the expressway in the United States than in China. 4 dollars an hour, parked for 4 hours, 16 dollars. It is recommended to park in the parking lot, which is very small and there is no large supermarket such as Walmart or publish with free parking.

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For experienced drivers in China, it's not difficult. The speed is very fast, usually between 120 and 140 even in traffic jams. The most important thing is to follow the rules and never cut in line everywhere. I think Waze is more user-friendly.